5 Tips to Infuse Your Food with Love

Good food is one of the ultimate ways to show your body some love. And I’m not just talking about green smoothies and quinoa salads. While those are a couple of great ways to say “I heart me,” nourishing yourself isn’t just about the nutrients and calories. Sometimes listening to your body is going to mean saying no to that extra slice of pizza, and sometimes it’s going to look like indulging in that blueberry pie—a la mode, obviously. Whatever food you choose, the important thing is to eat without judgement and to infuse that food with love. Read on for some tips to get you started.
Eat Your Greens (Because You Want To!)
When you think of eating your greens, or eating “healthy foods” are you doing this because you feel like you should? Does it feel like another chore to add to an already-daunting list? Let’s feed our bodies with nutrient-rich foods because we love them! Eating healthfully shouldn’t be a form of punishment, but a daily opportunity to show your body that you love it, respect it, and want to treat it right. Here are some links to some delicious and self-loving ways to get more greens in your life:, Refreshing Citrus Salad with Blood Orange and Mint, My Famous Kale Ceasar Salad,.
Make Your Presentation Pretty
Whether I’m preparing food for myself or for someone else that I love, I adore adding finishing touches that really make a dish feel like it was made with love. Some of my favorite ways to do this are right on the plate by adding edible flowers to a salad, adding colour by garnishing with fresh herbs, or creating atmosphere by lighting candles and putting on some good tunes, using some fun napkins, or special dishes (don’t keep these just for special occasions!)
Bring Mindfulness to Your Meal
Mindfulness is so hot right now. And it’s not going anywhere. Mindful eating is simply the practice of being in the present moment and in tune with your senses when you’re eating. Pay attention to the smooth texture of that creamy ice cream, or the salty crunch of your favorite snack. Turn off distractions like your phone or TV while you’re eating and take in the conversation and atmosphere when enjoying a meal with friends. Besides enjoying yourself a whole lot more, research shows that mindful eating can increase satiety, put you in touch with your hunger and fullness cues, and help to naturally manage your appetite and cravings. No restricting required. Even though it may sometimes feel like you don’t have time to pause and truly enjoy a meal, trust me, it’s worth making time for.
Take Pleasure in Cooking
All too often we leave things to the last minute, making dinner just one more burden to add to a busy day. However, just a few changes can make cooking an experience that can actually help you unwind and nourish yourself at the end of a long day. For example, meal prep is a game changer. Wash and cut up a few different types of vegetables, cook a batch of quinoa or brown rice at the beginning of the week, or soak and prep some beans. With your meal simplified, take the opportunity to turn on some music, pour yourself a glass of wine and maybe even dance a little. And don’t forget to clean as you go so you can kick back, relax and soak in all the self love you created after dinner.
Lots of love,
Lindsay 💜
Lindsay Pleskot, RD, Bsc.
Registered DietitianLindsay believes that a healthy diet is about balance, moderation, and an understanding of how your body works best. This starts with acknowledging that every body is different and unique, and then addressing both the physical and emotional impact our food choices have on our wellbeing. Lindsay is dedicated to showing you how to make eating well an enjoyable experience and to helping you fuel your body to its optimal level. By supporting you in creating realistic and achievable goals, together you will work towards lasting lifestyle changes. Check her out at www.lindsaypleskot.com 💜