Re-Connect to Self with 30 Minutes of Solitude a Day

Your Wise Inner Elder Awaits You
Disconnection from self is a modern day epidemic leading to anxiety, insomnia, depression, irritability and addictions. We live in a fast paced technologically advanced world. Of course technology has its benefits but without setting personal "screen time" boundaries we can find ourselves led down a slippery slope of mindless scrolling. Ultimately taking away precious time that we could be awakening and connecting to who we truly are. Trust me your pretty amazing!
Our true joy, purpose, and peace exists inside of us and we can only awaken these valuable, and soul inherent pieces of ourselves when we mindfully take time to go inward.
All it takes is dedicating 30 minutes a day to sit in solitude. In this beautiful space of silence you will meet your "Wise Inner Elder" who is patiently yet eagerly awaiting your arrival.
Set a timer for 30 minutes and simply sit in a room where you will not be interrupted. Close your eyes and do a 5 count breathe technique. Inhale for 5 counts and exhale for 5 counts, do this until your body is relaxed, then focus your awareness on your heart space and simply sit in stillness and silence with your spine straight. Ask your wise inner elder what is most important for you to know at this time.
If this ritual seems overwhelming and your mind immediately starts to sabotage the practice take this as a sign that you really need to do it. Let's be honest we all have 30 minutes in our day that we can dedicate to self-care, inner peace, joy and soul evolution. Committing to this practice for 40 days will transform your life.