Dermaplaning: The Latest Holistic Way to Baby-Smooth Skin

by Amanda Beisel
Do you trust your esthetician to take a scalpel to your face?
Dermaplaning, a clinical deep exfoliation technique that is creating a lot of buzz in the skincare world. This excites me because I love seeing holistic, non-invasive therapies getting the recognition they deserve. Read on for everything you need to know about dermaplaning.
How does it work?
Dermaplaning involves a holistic esthetician running a scalpel along the skin. Believe me, it sounds a whole lot scarier than it is. Truth be told, it’s a quick, simple treatment that is no more dangerous than shaving your legs. As always, ensure any esthetician you trust with your precious skin is well trained. First, your esthetician will thoroughly cleanse your skin and then prep it with an enzyme treatment. Next, a scalpel is worked along the skin using a feather stroke technique that removes that dead drab layer of skin that is hiding your natural glow as well as any unwanted peach fuzz. This relaxing, results-driven treatment takes about 45 minutes.
What are the benefits?
Dermaplaning is a deep exfoliation. That means light will reflect off your newly baby-smooth skin giving you a natural glow. Your skincare products will absorb more deeply into your skin, making them more effective and your make-up will go on more smoothly and sit more evenly on your skin. Dermaplaning is also a great way to get rid of any unwanted peach fuzz.
Who is a good candidate?
If you love microdermabrasion, dermaplaning is for you. It's great for anyone who wants more refined, smooth skin with a glow and is especially helpful for dry or rough skin. Dermaplaning is also a natural for pregnant or nursing woman who cannot undergo chemical peels.
One of the things I love most about dermaplaning is that there’s no downtime—just smooth, healthy, radiant skin. One thing to note: It’s important to wear a physical sunblock after your dermaplaning treatment, as the deep exfoliation will make your skin more sun sensitive. If you live near our clinic or find yourself traveling to Vancouver, we’d love to see you at SKN clinic for a dermaplaning treatment.