Elevate Your Energy and Release Negative Emotions in 1 Minute

Boost your energy, oxygenate your brain, release negative emotions, strengthen your nervous system, purify your blood, and promote harmony all while connecting to your higher guidance. These are just a few of the incredible benefits you can achieve with a daily breath of fire pracitice. Start with just 1 minute a day and begin working up to 10 minutes a day to really start seeing the benefits.
This rhythmic breath pattern is easy to learn and very much needed in the increasingly fast paced lives we are living.
How To Perform Breath of Fire
- Set a timer for 2 minutes to allow you enough time to get comfortable and into position.
- Begin by sitting in a comfortable seated posture on the floor with your hands on your knees.
- Close your eyes gently and place your attention on your third eye centre.
- Very slightly tilt your head forward so your spine is straight.
- Take a couple regular inhales and exhales and then inhale half way and begin breathing rapidly through the nose while pumping your stomach.
Once the timer sounds to let you know your practice is complete do a full exhalation and then take a deep inhale and suspend the breath for as long as you can and then slowly exhale all the air out through your nose. Sit quietly and feel the transformation and elevation.
When woman who are menstruating or pregnant and if you have any spinal issues.